
Willows Pool Records

Update on Willows Pool Record Opportunities for 2022
Historically and based on Willows club rules, Willows swimmers have four home meets (two Wednesday and two Saturday) that they have the opportunity to break pool records at. Due to the unusual scheduling from the league this season which gave us four Saturday home meets and no official Wednesday home meets, the decision has been made to make the following dates home meets FOR POOL RECORD OPPORTUNITY PURPOSES ONLY.
Saturday June 25th 

Wednesday January 29th 

Wednesday July 13th 

Saturday July 23rd

All other meets held at the Willows this season will not be opportunities to break pool records. This decision was made to keep consistency and fairness for all swimmers both present and past. This provides an opportunity for swimmers this season to beat records in Wednesday events which would otherwise not been available to them. It also matches the historical opportunities provided in all previous seasons. This decision does NOT have any effect on the actual location of any of our meets. All meets this season are held at our pool with the exception of 7/6 (Bridgewater) and 7/20 (University). Please let us know if you have any questions.

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